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Frequently Asked Questions

You have the questions, and we have the answers. 

  1. Why should I hire a professional carpet and upholstery cleaner?

    • Professional cleaners have the expertise, equipment, and eco-friendly products to thoroughly clean and revitalize your carpets and upholstery, extending their lifespan and maintaining their beauty.

  2. How often should I have my carpets and upholstery professionally cleaned?

    • The frequency of cleaning depends on factors like foot traffic, pets, and allergies. Generally, it's recommended to have carpets cleaned every 6-12 months and upholstery every 12-24 months.

  3. What is the benefit of using eco-friendly cleaning products?

    • Eco-friendly products are safe for your family, pets, and the environment. They effectively remove stains, dirt, and allergens without leaving harmful residues behind.

  4. How long does it take for carpets and upholstery to dry after cleaning?

    • Drying times vary based on factors such as humidity, ventilation, and the cleaning method used. On average, carpets can take 6-12 hours to dry, while upholstery may take 4-8 hours.

  5. Can professional cleaning remove all stains?

    • While professional cleaning can effectively remove many stains, the success rate depends on the type and age of the stain. Some stubborn stains may require specialized treatment.

  6. Do I need to move furniture before getting my carpets cleaned?

    • It's helpful if you can move small and delicate items. Our team can assist with moving larger furniture, ensuring thorough cleaning in all areas.

  7. Are your cleaning products safe for pets and children?

    • Yes, we prioritize the safety of your loved ones. Our eco-friendly products are non-toxic and safe for both pets and children.

  8. Do you offer any special treatments for odor removal or pet stains?

    • Yes, we offer specialized treatments for odor removal and pet stains to ensure your carpets and upholstery are fresh and free from unpleasant scents.

  9. What sets your cleaning company apart from others?

    • We pride ourselves on our certified professionals, advanced cleaning equipment, eco-friendly approach, and commitment to customer satisfaction. Our goal is to provide exceptional results and a healthier living environment.

  10. How do I schedule a cleaning service?

    • Scheduling a cleaning service is easy! You can contact us through our website, phone, or email to request a free estimate and set up an appointment that suits your convenience.

  11. Do you offer any guarantees or warranties?

    • Yes, we stand by our work and offer a satisfaction guarantee. If you're not satisfied with the results, we'll do everything we can to make it right.

  12. How can I prepare for a professional cleaning appointment?

    • To prepare, remove small and delicate items from the cleaning area, and ensure any larger furniture that you want cleaned under is accessible. Vacuuming the area beforehand can also help achieve better results.

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